New Book out now!
The DO Founder Florian Homann gives us “5 Reasons Why the World Isn’t Doomed”
And those 5 reasons have a lot to do with you! In this, his second book, Florian draws on conversations with many DO Community members to offer inspiring examples of how you’re taking action to solve problems, choosing optimism, and seizing opportunity in these disruptive times. For those who read German, the book is available now at Rowohlt Verlag.
Our New World - English Version
“Our world needs ideas and action, this book has plenty to inspire us”
Dr. Jane Goodall DBE Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
In Our New World (Die Neue Welt), Florian takes the reader on an expedition to the places and people that have already arrived in this future: young entrepreneurs, innovators, founders and leaders who are courageously shaping a better world. Until the 15th of November, you can buy the e-book version of the book for only 8,99€ here.

Die Neue Welt
“Our world needs ideas and action, this book has plenty to inspire us”
Dr. Jane Goodall DBE Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
‘Die Neue Welt’ available from 22nd March with Murmann Publishers, traces the people and places that are already courageously creating a new world and finding many innovative answers – large and small to the big questions of our time: the climate emergency, work, social inequality and technology. Sharing the actions of hopeful people from all walks of life; Florian showcases how everyone can concretely shape the new world around us and encourages us to get involved – stay tuned for more!