Florian strongly believes that together we can find new solutions to our big problems. Therefore, he has dedicated much of his life to enable as many people as possible to turn their ideas into action with purpose, build community and create a hopeful future. Here are some of Florian’s most recent ventures.
The DO, based in Berlin and Hong Kong with offices in Hamburg and New York, empowers people to take action and create positive impact in their companies, their communities and the wider world. It is home to The DO Group and The DO School, as well as a virtual community of top leaders, experts and innovators from around the world.
Dream Local is a digital marketplace that closes the urban-rural divide by connecting city residents who want to spend time in nature with small businesses in rural areas.
The Sendup is a sustainable fashion and lifestyle platform and ecosystem, a joint initiative by The DO and H&M Beyond.
Count Us In is mobilising 1 billion people over the next critical decade to take practical action on climate change.
Florian is on the Supervisory Board of the World Future Council, the WFC works to pass on a healthy and sustainable planet with just and peaceful societies to our children and grandchildren.
The Global Teacher Prize is a US $1 million award presented annually to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession, Florian is part of the judging academy.
The Disruptor Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness of and encourage the advancement of disruptive innovation theory and its application in societally-critical domains.Florian is a Dirsuptor Foundation Fellow.